Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Lamisil Cream — Athlete's Foot, Jock Itch, Ringworm, Versicolor, Tinea Cruris, Tinea Corporis, Tinea Pedis, Fungal Infections, Fungus Have you 's_uffered with +asthma for _a while?, Learn more about+ this _breathin_g probl+em. This is hi,gh time to *think abou-t your 'cholesterol l_evel and ask y'o_ur doctor for a di,et plan! A*ntibiotics. are medi_cines used _to t+reat infect,ions caused by b_acteri_a, they�re use.less* to viruses. Co-uld t.he next cra'ze be, quite l-iterally,, nut-s? A study concl.uded that ,nuts lowe+r choleste'rol. T+he obesit*y rate f.or children i's rising rap+idly as kid+s spend' more time *watching TV a.nd -eating. Si+nce the time when .pe_nicillin was -invented many* things ,have c'hanged in t.he medical _field. We' want you to tak-e contr'ol of your as'thma ,symptoms and l_ive an -active li+fe. Help' us now! Self-mana*ging a,sthma d.ay to day is impo'rtant t'o breat-he well, stay a-ctive,, and live normal' life.. A broad +spectrum ant+ibiotic i+s usefu+l for treating in-fe_ctions that might- be ,caused by bacteri*a.' Antibiot,ics are usually t'ake+n by mouth,, but can some*times be +given into a v*ein, into .a mu.scle. Is you.r weight-lo+ss program e.ffecti_ve? How mu-ch weight do you, l_oose monthly? T,ry a n_ew method A*sthma aff,ects kids+ in different ways.. Re+ad more abou_t the ways of .reducin,g the sy,mptoms. W*hen asthm+a symptoms get m,ore i-ntense and/or ad'ditional -symptoms a-ppear, this, is +an attack. I hat.e .my extra weig+ht but I not get rid' of it,- no matte*r what I try,. I am, ready for surge_ry n-ow! Obesity conse_quences' can af-fect your health* condi,tion the _way you, don�t even+ imagine.+ Beware! Pist,achio nu_ts reduce the r'isk of he+art dis*ease,by de'creasing cho.lesterol levels*, a stud+y says., Allergy preval,ence h*as been inc.reasing sin'ce the early' 1*980s across all a'ge, sex and- rac'ial groups. If _too much c.hole,sterol build*s up in your b'ody, the b,lood c+annot flow t.hrough* to your hear+t. Does stre_ss _trigger as'thma? Stre+ss is a common as-thma tri*gger, caus+ing yo,u to feel_ anxious. Afte*r continu-ed use +of pain killing dr,ugs, mil+d side effe,cts us+ually r*esolve with_in a few d,ays. Non-brea'st children- run +a higher risk o'f aut_oimmune disor_ders and are mor,e prone t_o asthm*a. Skin allerg'ies alo*ne account f_or more t_han *7 million. outpatient v.isits eac_h year the Unit+ed Sta_tes. I have n.ever t,ried a medicati-on with suc'h powerful+ eff+ect as this n*ew alle'rgy treatment h'as. Neg,lecting ,your pain can -be mo-re dangerous .that ta.king too much of ,pai'n relief medicat.ions. Painki'llers. are presc_ribed for pain' relief, e.,g.. after surgery an+d are only +availabl-e by prescr'ipt_ion. Antibiot+ics have become' .part of our life+ style, spec,ifi,cally when ,we talk ab,out health _issues. Low se_lf-estee*m, guil*t, emotiona'l stress, or tra'uma- can lead to ,overeatin*g resulting .in obesity.. For 'older men, the* use +of alcohol, ev'en in small a.mounts' may in'hibit erectile _capacity.. Beware!* Never tak'e antibiot,ics presc+ribed for anothe'r person or+ share y.our le,ftover 'drugs with any'one. Any antibi,otic suppr_ess the *healthy ba*cteria in your co-lon. Foll.ow doctor's *instr*uctions! C*auses of _erectile dysfunc_tion can 'be phy,sical -or psychologi-cal, bu_t not rela'ted to underwear. S_ta'tus asthm_aticus is a sev*ere asthma att* that doe+sn�t get .better as usual m,edicine, is taken. O_besity�s 'probably, the only d-isease th*at can 'be caused by neg,ativ*e emotions only. Be- very c*areful! An-tihistamine+s can- cause sleepi_ness, so 'never ta,ke one any time- safet.y require+s you to be ale,rt. If your -f-amily is full o_f ove+rweight peopl*e, try out ,our new +medication +that helped h,undreds. ,Our top-qual+ity in*halers h+ave already 'saved lives of +many *people suffer_ing from as,thma. Fort,y percent o,f +non-Hispanic_ Blacks a.nd nearly on.e quarte*r of Mexican A-meric*ans are obese.' Say HI to long+ night -full _of sex and passion,! This me+dica_tion will cha_nge everything'! If you+ ha've early warnin+g sign+s or symptoms', you sho_uld take mor_e asthma medic-a.tion. You may be g*iven other_ medicine,s| such +as muscle r*elaxant dr.ugs to take_ with your _pain.killers. ,associated- with incr+eased risk of erect.ile dysfu-nction incl,ude d-iabetes & k+idney di_sease. US boys a.nd' girls were *1.5 times more, likely ,to be obese th_an _boys & g_irls in the t.otal population._ I *promise you that -the I�m tal.king about will i,mp'rove your sexual- life 5 ti_mes! Poor- nutrition com.bine,d with lack o'f physical *activity *ofte.n cause obesi-ty in adul.t people. Childr.en' fed solid foods t.o-o early are li_kely to d*evelop both re-spiratory a-nd _food allergies.+ Is your ,natur_al hormone prod.uction enoug'h to h-ave sex se*veral time,s per night? Che_ck .out! Jog*ging in th*e morning 'won�t solve all ,your probl'ems if you _are obese._ You need pr'ofessional_ h'elp! Anti_biotics are comm,only presc.ribed for .respiratory_ infection_s, bu,t they are caus*ed by viruse_s.' Asthma is_ more common in* African Am,erican* than in white +chil-dren, for *some reas,on. Even weight 'losses as s.mall_ as 10 per-cent of b.ody weight can en.sur+e that you never 'get o-bese! Feel .free to imp*rove your sex+ual pe*rforman,ce and live l,ong and h-appy life of a ,wom,anizer! After co-ntinued us_e of p'ain killing dru+gs, mi.ld side effec+ts usua-lly res.olve within a few -days. So_me peop-le with+ asthma may* go for ex+tended periods w,ithou't having+ any symptoms.. Teenager+s often use p+ainkillers -to ge.t high, to part.y, to e*scape reali+ty or to ,relieve bo'redom. You _are a l*ucky man *& we have chosen _you to try +our most e-ffective _potenc.y booster! The- do'se of pai+nkiller you +are taking* should b*e enough to cont'rol pain unt*il the nex*t dose.+ Little ki.ds with .serious disea,ses - it is_ very -sad, but it of+ten happens.. Try new _allergy re*l_ief. Asthma r,esults in about, three m'illion lost. da-ys of work e+ach year .among American a,dul_ts. Statistical,ly, men of, lower socio-e+cono'mic status te'nd to_ have serious pr+oblems wi+th e-rection. Anti_biotics' have become part 'of our- life styl.e, specifically_ when we +talk abo,ut health+ issues. B*icycle rid'ing, _in moderation,. does not aff*ect erec.tile functi-oning., But it�s not, absol.utely saf.e. Antibio_tics are us+ually taken by' mouth, bu't can sometime*s be .given into 'a vei,n, into a mus+cle. It's not cl_ear, thou+gh pos_sible, t_hat overusing dru-gs incre-ase*s the risk of ,a fatal ast+hma attack*. All. the secrets' of ultima,te masculine- power and pot_en_cy are reve*aled in one ,series of let'ters! 'Asthma is .characte+rized by bronc*hial tube+s inflammation.- Lear,n how to pre-vent the di.sease! If obe+sity came *to yo_ur life, i,t�s time to' review your+ typical eat.in_g and drin-king habits! Start* now+! The higher y_our. blood cholester-ol lev_el, the greate+r your ri'sk for deve*loping hear't disease!!!- Im*munotherapy* ultimately_ works i'n up to 90% of+ people seas*onal aller,gic rhinitis. .You sho_uld never- get overex'cited *when with, your extra k'ilos. Act re,asonably+, dude! Oc.cupationa.l asthma is cause-d by 'breathing i.n fumes, gases_, p-ollen or, dust while on th'e job.' Status, asthmaticus is 'a severe_ asthma attack- that do'esn�t get_ better as usu-al medic_ine is tak_en. -Since the time w'hen penici+llin wa+s invented man+y t.hings have changed. in+ the medical fi,eld_. If you have_ asthma it i+s very importa'nt not' to smo,ke and ke,ep away from smo.king pe_ople! 'Erectile dysfun.ction is a ,common proble.m in ,men between 40. a-nd 55. Don�*t panic, dude! Thi-s* month we p,rovide huge d_iscounts for ou,r bes*t antibiot.ics so you can ,save a lo+t buying+ it! Seasona'l aller_gy is somethin*g that *I can- not hear' about any mo*re. Just* gimme the new dr+ug! Asthm_a is not* a psy_chologica_l condition. .However, em.otiona+l triggers can caus'e fl.are-ups. Obesi,ty is, fast becoming th,e develop.ed biggest +health probl+em.* Protect you-rself from it!* Asth+ma is not only *a serious_ disease but *also a' type of al-lergy rea*ction.+ Make sure you'r*e safe! You-r sympt'oms may. also vary f+rom one atta-ck to the next,. Be re*ady to struggl+e! E,ven if you h*ave no r_easons to get obe*se lik*e genet*ics or depressi'on, be care'ful +with your *calories! Cho.lesterol i,s a b'uilding bl+ock for cell mem_branes & horm,ones like+ estrogen &. test.osterone*. Absolut+ely new edg_e of breathtaking* sex. is open f*or you w+ith the help of' our brand -new drug! A'ntihistami*nes do not. cure alle,rg'y but they give a' chance .for normal li,fe.' Choose t-he best! Cholestero,l can buil'd .up on the insid+e the blo*od vess-els of your heart+._ That�s no .way healthy! Immu+not-herapy ultimately .works +in up to .90% of people w'ith sea*sonal a_llergic r-hinitis. Studies ,show, that men b_etween the ages+ of 40 a_nd 70 fa_ce severe pro+ble-ms with po_tency. The nu,mber of ne,w cases, and the ye_arly rate .of hospit.alization for a.sthma h'ave increased! _There _are mo,re scientif-ic ways to figure -o'ut if you are ob,ese 'or just chu_bby. Hurry' up now! 'Best over-the-co_unter med,ication_s for your and y.our f.amily hea-lth! Hurry up _to buy it no.w! It�s, time to buy- the items f_rom y+our wish* list � discount -season *arrive_d at your door+way! Abou't three out _of four chil*dr+en with as*thma in the US_A continue t,o have sympt'oms a,s adults. The* prev*alence of. reported food all.erg+y cases inc*reased 18% a,mong chil*dren under age' 1'8 years. A b_road spec'trum antibiotic i.s useful f.or infection+s t+hat might 'be caused b-y bacteria. *For unkn-own reas_ons, the _incidence of* asthma in chil,dren is stea.dil_y increas,ing. Take' care! Each yea,r, abo*ut a million Am_ericans h*ave heart at'tacks-, and ha+lf a million di_e from -a stroke. Your+ risk, of high chol+esterol incre,ases if a ,mother or si.ster was+ affect*ed by hea_rt disea'se. Sometime_s antibio-tics may c-ause stomach up'set-s, diarrhea, _yeast infections, or ot_her problems. .Bes_t over-the-count_er medicat*ions for -your and you'r fa*mily health!. Hurry up to_ buy it- now! What_ antibiotic+s are mean+t for is +effectiv*e bacter*ial infections tr-eatme,nt. Did you kn'ow that.? The amount o'f wei_ght you *need to loose depe-nds o.n your hea-lth conditi+on and your ge,nes. Alt+hough these d_rugs h*ave s+aved millions- of lives-, the misus.e of antibiot,ics cau'ses proble_ms. Long ter.m over con.sumption- of alcohol af,fects +all systems_ in the .body, inc_luding sexual .function. Ha*y feve-r� These tw-o little words* turn my 'life upside+ down e,very year!' But .now it�s over+! Overeating you.r prob'lems to much mo-re ser-ious problems. A_re yo+u ready+ to become ob+ese? Antib-iotics gene,rally are sa'fe, provided .you ,use them -properly and fo-llo'w the instruction.s. A.sthma is a chroni'c inflamma_tion of bro-nchial tub*es+ that causes na*rrowing of +the air*ways. A tea.m of healt+h profes+sionals will- eagerly+ help y*ou treat & el.iminate _obesity, no n*eed to. worry. If _you keep o'n thinking about. impot,ence it wi*ll never leave ,you-. Think about g.reat s_ex! It is quite -sa.fe to take your pa-in relief d+rug for a_s long as y+ou need- to, if i-t is helpi_ng your pain*. How- long hav,e you been living' with e.rectile- dysfunction i'n yo'ur mind? Time- to forget! Lo*sing weig+ht should n,ot be your +pr,imary and onl,y goal when you ,are o.n your obesity 'program_. If a person. is a,llergi.c to flower polle,n he obvious_ly* should try, our brand new al*lergy medi-cine. +If you have s_ever_e pain you may+ be give,n a strong pa,inkille.r, such a's morphin_e, straigh*t away. We wan,t you to tak.e con.trol of your as.thma. symptoms. and live an act+ive li_fe. Help us, now! Men oft.en devel-op erecti+ons in_ non-sexual, situations._ For ex.ample when .sleeping. Try to ,use- it! Chol.esterol is a waxy, ,fat-lik+e su,bstance made in t*he liver *and fou_nd in certain pr,o.ducts. Do n-ot demand antibiot-ics from y,o_ur physicia,n. Misuse is v+ery dang-erous f*or your he'alth. Bacterial, resistan+ce to antibiot,ics. is produced b.y changes in *the bacteri*um�s mu'tations. Re_member*, shortened cour_se of a'ntibio_tics often wipes+ out only+ the _most vulnerable ,bac*teria. Myth+: Alcohol. use causes er-ectile -problems.+ Many poor people _sti.ll blame alco*hol for i'mpotence. ,Narcotic pai+nkillers de_creas+e functions ,within ,the central ne.rvous _system. Use s'afe drugs*! Impro.per use of antib-iotics -can be m.ore harmful than +hel_pful. Be very a'ttenti*ve taking it! Ast-hma is n.ot only a s-eri+ous disease but a'lso a *type o_f allergy reactio.n. Make s+ure yo.u're safe,! Tight under-wear is not+ among' the regu'lar causes of _erectile d.ysfunction., as people o,ften say. .I do not ca,re about +my blood -cholest.erol as I know- perf.ectly we,ll how to control i't easily! .Did you t,hink that y_our a*llergy is the _most unp'leasant? .I'm s+ure there more horr+ible rea+ctions. A, person may* hav+e all asthm*a symptoms at on-ce like': breath +shortness, ,coughin,g & wheez-ing. The worst, thing one* can do i+s to ta_ke only a few of t*he an+tibioti_c prescribed. D+on�t act s-tupid! .Pollen is alrea.dy here! I*t�s _time to close yo+ur -windows an*d doors or� take .a pi,ll & enjo_y life! People* with ast.hma experience *sympt'oms when airway*s tighten-, inflame,' or. fill with- mucus. You sho'uld 'not be afraid of, obesity just- because *your relat,iv*es are not all sli_m! +But be prepar'ed! The lesser' known e+ffects of ob.e*sity may also inclu+de asthm-a and p*regnancy* complication,s. Erectile d-ysfunct,ion is a u_niver-sal proble.m that bothe'rs men of all' ages+! Are you in? W.hat 'you should kno-w about asthma 'sympto*ms to _keep living _normal life a.nd stay +safe! Super bac_teria* easily re.sist the* first line- of defen'se from antibi.otics _like amoxici+llin and other+. *Managing high ch*olester'ol isn't. a simple _do-it-yours*elf project_. You n-eed professional' help! Ob*esity _causes sig+nificant he.alth problem-s. But yo-u aren�t in dang*er if you*r eati_ng mode is h-ealth.y! Cholesterol, helps .your body *build cells, i*nsulate' nerves+, & produce horm-ones. Read +more� Hay f*ever+ sufferers, should wash 'hair at nigh-t to+ remove any po'llen and keep+ awa_y from bed._ The worst t_hing one c_an do is t+o take only a* few ,of the anti*biotic p*rescribed. Don�+t act stupid.! More tha_n 17 mil*lion peo'ple in th.e USA have, asthma. Of +these, almos't 5 millio'n are ch-ildren+. The body 'needs some chol,esterol in_ order to ,function p*roperly. T*he matter i-s how m-uch. Obes.ity can str*ike not onl,y adults but, alsp chi_ldre'n and adolescents- too.* Take care o_f your fa-mily! _Not every -single individu,al with- asthma has th.e same* symptoms in t+he same way.- Spring a*llergies *kill ner_vous systems .of nu*merous people e've*ry year. The answer* is _simple! If* your c_hild produces* whistlin_g or hissing so_unds _with each' breath, may b-e its as.thma attack_. Food aller+gy is mor*e common amo_ng +children. And peni+cillin _is the most- common _allerg_y trigger. Disco'ver t.he causes o-f childhood a+sthma and *what _you can do to p'reven*t asthma attacks. .For ki+ds who are ove.rwei_ght weight man-agement is +the 'primary treatm*ent f.or cholesterol. tetra,cyn Colon Hea.lth -inderalici Im_itrex Nasa_l Spray_ � Migraine*, Pain, Headache+ mo-naslim buspa,r corta_id maximum stre-ngth joint s+tiffn'ess artane trile+p_tal Griseofulvin (g_ris.-peg, gris ,peg, gris+evin, grif*ulvin) Al-esse (Ovral L) (,Levonorgest-re-l/Ethinyl Est.radiol, birth c*ontrol,, ovral) Pla'n B (Levono,rgestrel, -Levo.nelle, Nor'Levo, Postinor,- birth co+ntrol, lev-len) Pyran_tel Pamoat'e Suspension ,� Hookworm-s,' Roundworms, Worm +Infestati_ons arco,xia Pills E-lidel, Cream � Atopic De+rmatitis_, Eczema +vitami*n Renal Disease, pristi+q Tylenol � Pai,n, .Fever, Cold, Fl.u vian_i buccastem t'opamax Chy_avanapr*asha uropyrine, S'terapred (+Omnipred, Predn_isone, Del+tason*e, Liquid Pred-, Meticorte,n, Ora-sone, Prednic,en-M,+ Sterapred, Ste,rapred DS, pr.edi,sone) Traveler's -Diarrhea*ndamycin Gel [cli-ndamycin_gel] (Cleocin*) Otikf*ree Ear +Drops (Surolan+, *Miconazole, Predni'solone, .Polymyx'in B sulp) Im'itrex (-Sumatrip'tan, Imigr*an, pain)- Folic Acid (V.itamin B9) (.folac,in) carboli-th Pain M,assage Oil Vasod-ilan (+Isoxsuprine) *colch,ysat burger'r Pills Priniv,il (Lisinopr*il, Te_nsopril, Zes-tril, H+ipril, Carace*, lisino-pril hc'tz, lisinaopril) an'est,acon Hemorrhoi,ds Tin'damax [tindama+x] (ti-nidazole) laxa -tea' Decreased Libid*o genital *herpes diph.en Nebi*volol [nebivolo'l] (nubet*a, bys,tolic) minax Al'oe+ Vera Amrut Cla-rinex [c*larine+x] (Deslora,tadine, Ne,oClarityn, Clar+amax, Aeriu+s) nivaq'uine Torsem.ide �, Edema, Cong,estive Heart Fa-ilure, Re'nal +Disease, H'epatic Dis'ease, Chronic* Renal F.ailure, Diuretic,+ Hypert_ension., High Bl,ood Pressu+re Vaginal Ca'ndidiasi+s Ortho Tr*i-Cyclen (birth. control, *ortho tri- cyc,len, ortho) Hyzaar- (lo'sartan + hydr'ochlorthiazide') (Losar*tan, _Hydrochloroth'iazide) Cyt+oxan (cycl.ophosph,amide, Pro.cytox) wom-en enhanc,er anti-ag+ing Pot'assium Cit'rate (Uroci-t-K) hookworms Hy-per.triglyceridemia* Solian [soli,an] (*amisulp.ride) valacicl+ovir Amikac+in � Infection+s, Antibiotic Dep-akote (D_ivalproex -Sodiu'm, depakene, valp,roic acid.) Flon,ase � Nasal- Allergy re_actine .nevimycin Vaso.tec (Ena_lapril, Xane-f, Ren_itec, Pres, Nuril,. Invor'il, Innovac'e, Glioten*, Envas, Enat'ec,+ Enap, Enalaga_mma, Ednyt, E*capr'inil, Co_rvo, Converten, _BQL, B-enalipril,. Auspril,, Amprace, Alp_hapril) _ Meclizine +� Nausea, Vo+mitin,g, Dizziness, M+otion Sick*ness, Vertig-o Alesse (O.vral L) [*ales'se] (Levonorgestr+el/Ethinyl- Estr*adiol, birth_ control,, ovral) vyto-rin gimal'xina Punarn+ava [punar*nava] valsa*rtan Narcol*ep-sy dutagen miranax, Coreg *(Carved+ilol, D*ilatrend, Eu,cardic, Carloc) +Tofranil (A.ntideprin', Depreni+l, D.eprimin, De_prinol, Depsoni.l, Dynapr*in, Euprami.n, Imipramil*, Irmin', Janimin-e, Melipram'in, Surplix-, I'mipramine, Antid,ep, Apo--Imiprami-ne, Chryt*emin, Daypress, -Dep+sol, Ethipramine,, Fro,nil, Imidol, -Imimine, Im'ine, I'miprex, Imiprin,- Impri,) oxcarbazep.ine Stomach -Acid E,rosive Eso-phagitis. Albenza (Al_bendazole,- Eskazole, Zent'e'l, Helmidazol'e, Alzental, Al_be*n, Albex) Su,menta 17 Ultram (-Tr-amadol, Adolan, A,nadol, Con-tramal,, tramadal, D+olol,,- Dromadol, 'Ixprim, Ralivia, -Trama-dex, Tramal, T,ridural, Zam,ado.l, Zydol,* Zytrim, pain,_ ultr.acet) 1.23% Op_ticare Ointme-nt' (cyclospori,ne, optimmune) d.ic*lomax sr 'buspisal valacyclo*vir Bayer' ASA+ Aspirin (*Acetylsali.cylic Acid,, ASA) Ea'r Mite spo+ranox clopran P'roSolut,ion (penis g*rowth, penis e*nlarger)* mes'tacine cezin S*typlon � Bleedi,ng, Hemor'rh'oids, Hema+turia discoi*d lupus e*rythematosus Imodi+um [im'odium] (Loper_am_ide) cipli*n Breathing Viag'ra Soft Ta*bs � Erectile, Dysfunc_tion,. Male Enhance*ment, Ere+ction, Impotenc*e P'rednisolone, (Orapr,ed, Millipred, Delt_ac_ortril, Deltastab,' Predn*esol) ort+ho Omnice'f (cefdini+r, Sefdin+, Adcef, Cefzon)' Bron,chodilator Om'nicef (cefdi+nir, Sefdi'n,, Adcef, Cefzon') dural -ectasia Lo,zol � Diuretic, _High Blood ,Pr'essure, H.ypertension Clo+mid (Clomifen+e, _clomiphene, Clomif*ert, Se*rophen_e, Milophene-) Stiffness -erythrom+ycin dural* ectasia M-axalt � Mig+raine, P+ain, Migra_ine Hea*daches diarrhea- Allerg,ic Dermatitis, lact'ation Dulcol-ax (Bisacodyl) Sp-asti,c Colon Meron+em IV (Ami-odarone) my*-e .glucosamine' & chondro*itin Lotrisone � 'Fungal .Infections, -Jock* Itch, Athlete's+ Foot,* Ringworm renit_ec e+thipram+ine Pharyngit-is Lodine (+etodolac, E*ccoxo+lac, Utradol) lmx 5- Fusid-ic Acid (Fu'cidin', Fucithalmic_) buspimen D+exame_thasone (decadro*n, ,Dectancyl, -Dexamonozo'n, Dexona,. Dexasone, 'Diodex, For.tecortin, Max,ide-x, Oradexo'n, Wymesone, De,xPak) rexa+pin alp+hagan Peni*s Growth- Oil � Penis Enl*argeme,nt Stres.s sterapred -breast canc-er risk red*uction Mi_graine Hir*sutism corta+id sensit-ive skin w/+aloe Ma+xalt (Rizatrip_tan, Rizal.iv, Riza,lt) Ursodio_l � Gal+lstones,- Biliary Cir.rhosis eupra*min torva-st V_-Gel [vgel] Sereven+t -(salmeterol) Coreg, (, D_ilatrend, _Eucardic, C_arloc) V--Gel [vgel]+ laevomycetin

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