Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Nuance PaperPort 12

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ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac $49.95
ABBYY PDF Transformer 3 $39.95
Accurender 4 $79.95
ACDSee Canvas 11 with GIS+ $79.95
ACDSee Photo Editor 2008 $29.95
ACDSee Photo Manager 2009 $29.95
ACDSee Picture Frame Manager $25.95
ACDSee Pro 2.5 $49.95
ACDSee Pro 3 $49.95
Adobe Acrobat 3D $99.95
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AutoCAD Architecture 2009 32 and 64 bit $189.95
AutoCAD Architecture 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
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AutoCAD LT 2010 32 and 64 bit $99.95
AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
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AutoCAD MEP 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite 2009 $199.95
AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Autodesk Revit Structure 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Autopano Pro 1.4.2 $39.95
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AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall 8 $19.95
AVG File Server Edition 8 $39.95
AVG Internet Security 8 $29.95
AVG Internet Security 9 $39.95
AVG Internet Security Network Edition 8 $59.95
AVG Internet Security SBS Edition 8 $69.95
BPM Studio 4 Pro $69.95
Bryce 6 $39.95
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CopyToDVD 4 $19.95
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Corel Painter IX.5 $69.95
Corel Painter X $69.95
Corel VideoStudio Pro X2 $69.95
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CorelDraw Graphics Suite X3 $99.95
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 $119.95
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CyberLink PowerCinema 6 $39.95
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CyberLink PowerDVD 9 Ultra $39.95
CyberLink PowerProducer 5 $29.95
CyberLink YouCam 3 $15.95
Maxon Cinema 4D R10 STUDIO Bundle $149.95
Maxon Cinema 4D R11 Studio Bundle $119.95
Nicon Capture NX 2 $49.95
Elby CloneDVD 2 $29.95
Adobe Captivate 4 $79.95
Adobe Contribute CS4 $59.95
Adobe Captivate CS3 $79.95
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Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection $299.95
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium $219.95
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AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 32 bit $189.95
ImTOO Video Converter 5 for Mac $29.95
Expression Studio 2 $99.95
Expression Studio 3 $99.95
Expression Web 2 $79.95
Thomson EndNote X3 $49.95
Adobe eLearning Suite $299.95
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 $49.95
Adobe Premiere Elements 7 $49.95
AutoCAD Electrical 2009 32 and 64 bit $185.95
AutoCAD Electrical 2008 $169.95
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 for Mac $49.95
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Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Professional $129.95
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Standard $39.95
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NTI CD and DVD Maker Platinum v6.5.0.33 $19.95
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Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 $99.95
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FIFA 10 $19.95
FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced $99.95
FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced $99.95
FileMaker Server 10 Advanced $119.95
FileMaker Server 9 Advanced $149.95
Final Cut Studio 2 with Content $249.95
Final Cut Studio 3 Full Pack with Content $269.95
Final Draft 8 $79.95
Finale 2009 $69.95
FotoSlate 4 Photo Print Studio $19.95
Freeway 5 Pro $59.95
FRONTPAGE 2003 PRO $39.95
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Adobe Flash Professional CS4 $119.95
Adobe Flex Builder 3 Pro $79.95
Adobe Fireworks CS3 $79.95
Adobe Flash CS3 Professional $99.95
VMware Fusion 2 $39.95
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Guitar Pro 5 with RSE $29.95
Hallmark Card Studio 2009 Deluxe $29.95
iLife `09 $59.95
iWork �09 $59.95
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Adobe InCopy CS4 $79.95
Adobe InDesign CS4 $119.95
Adobe Illustrator CS3 $99.95
Adobe InDesign CS3 $99.95
AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2010 32 and 64 bit $249.95
AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Inventor Simulation Suite 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009 32 and 64 bit $229.95
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2008 $199.95
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 $39.95
LightWave 3d 9.6 $129.95
Logic Express 8 $69.95
Logic Express 9 $79.95
Logic Studio 8 Full Pack with Content $199.95
Logic Studio 9 Full Pack with Content $159.95
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 $79.95
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom $79.95
AutoCAD Land Desktop 2009 32 bit $185.95
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Digital Photo Maker 9 $29.95
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection $329.95
3ds Max 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
3ds Max Design 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 32 bit $189.95
AutoCAD Mechanical 2009 32 and 64 bit $189.95
AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite 2009 32 and 64 bit $189.95
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AutoCAD MEP 2008 $169.95
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Natso Backup Workstation 5.1 $29.95
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Norton PartitionMagic 8.0 $39.95
Nuance OmniPage Professional 17 $99.95
Nuance PaperPort 12 $39.95
Nuance PaperPort Professional 12 $69.95
Nuance PDF Converter Enterprise 6 $69.96
Nuance PDF Converter Professional 6 $39.95
Nuance ScanSoft PaperPort 11 Professional $69.95
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Autodesk Navisworks Simulate 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
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OneNote 2007 $39.95
onOne Plug-In Suite 5 $99.95
Microsoft Office 2008 Standart Edition for Mac $99.95
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Paragon Drive Backup 9 Professional $29.95
Paragon Drive Backup 9 Server $69.95
Paragon Partition Manager 10 Pro $29.95
Paragon Partition Manager 10 Server $79.95
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Parallels Desktop 5 $39.95
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Photomatix Pro 3.1.3 $39.95
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Poser 8 Professional $99.95
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Project Professional 2007 $99.95
PTGui Pro 8 $49.95
Publisher 2007 $39.95
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Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 $99.95
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Adobe RoboHelp 7 $119.95
AutoCAD Raster Design 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite 2010 32 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Raster Design 2009 32 and 64 bit $149.95
AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite 2009 32 bit $189.95
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Sibelius 5 Professional $79.95
SoftPlan Architectural Design 13 $99.95
SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition $399.95
SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition $299.95
SQL Server 2008 Workgroup Edition $299.95
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The Sims 3 $25.95
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Windows Server 2008 Datacenter 32bit $299.95
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Adobe Technical Communication Suite 2 $259.95
UltraISO 9 $19.95
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Visio Standard 2007 $59.95
Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition $99.95
VMware Workstation 6.5 $59.95
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Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium $239.95
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